TemPlaza - Responsive v1.1 Joomla Template | 37,8 MB We are happy to introduce you to September Joomla Template, Responsive. This is a multipurpose website which you can use it for many different purposes; Blog, Personal, Business, Company, Cooperation, etc Responsive is a Responsive Joomla Template using Bootrap, which means your template, will adapt automatically to the screen size of all devices and display all contents in the convenient way. Responsive Template is compatible with most popular browsers such as; IE8+, Firefox, Opera, Chrome and the browsers that support HML5 and CSS3 well. Some other prominent features that you need to know when using Responsive
 Просмотров: 806 |  Комментариев: 0
TemPlaza - Aragon v1.4 - Parallax Responsive Joomla 2.5 & 3.x | 48,9 MB Templaza Project is pleased to announce that Aragon Template is going to be released. Aragon is a new Joomla Template based on Plazart Framework. In addition, Aragon is a Responsive Joomla Template, which supports Bootstrap well. Therefore, your template will fit automatically with the screen size of the device and display all contents in the simple way. Aragon Template is also applied the lastest version of TZ Potfolio with new functions about interface and image. Aragon is a Joomla Template which is suitable for Companies, Enterprises, and Corporations. Coming to Aragon Template, you have a chance to own some useful features; About us, Our Service, Our Project, Our Team and so on. Aragon Template is impressive user on one-page associated Parallax Script which helps your image follow the scrolling of users.
 Просмотров: 840 |  Комментариев: 0
TemPlaza - BlogPlaza v1.3 - Responsive Joomla 2.5 & 3.x Template | 46,7 MB You are owning the hottest news and interesting blogs. You would like to share with everyone. BlogPlaza is the best choice for you. BlogPlaza is a Responsive Joomla Template built on Plazart Framework with Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x. BlogPlaza supports users updating hot news and posting blogs. We are proud of having developed a Responsive Joomla Template which can support for HTML and CSS3 very well. Your template will fit automatically with the screen size of the device that you use. BlogPlaza has "option" helping you change font and color easily. Join us to get new experiences right now! BlogPlaza is also an ideal place for everyone to share emotions in each blog and hot news in each article.
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CodeCanyon - FireGrid - RIP | 91,7 KB FireGrid is a new tool for web designer able to generate an horizontal grid and a vertical grid that overlap a website. When you are starting a new project enable FireGrid and select the proper horizontal and vertical grid, FireGrid is able to save your selection with cookies, therefore you can refresh the page, close your browser or restart your machine without losing your selection. A fire icon allows you to turn on and off the grid whenever you want, for example you can enable FireGrid to check the alignment of a specific element on the screen, then by clicking on the fire icon you can turn off the grid to work on the CSS with FireBug or the Chrome Developer Tools and then you can turn on again the grid to verify your work.
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ThemeForest - Invictus v3.0.21 - A Premium Photographer Portfolio Theme | 8,27 MB Invictus is a Fullscreen Image and Video WordPress Theme for photographer or creatives. Invictus is so easy to use, super versatile and has a fully responsive design! With it's flexible theme, page and post options Invictus is very intuitive to use and completely ready to operate out of the box.The possibilities are endless! We have build Invictus with latest HTML5 & CSS3 and a lot of love and care went into this theme making it a such a fun to use. Invictus brings you an awesome way to showcase your portfolio in a special way! Invictus can be used for any type of portfolio, but was mainly build for photographers, creatives or video artists.
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CodeCanyon - jquery Slider Zoom In/Out Effect Fully Responsive | 17,9 MB Zoom In/Out Effect Sliders Full Collection comes in 4 versions: Fixed Dimensions, Full Width, Full Screen and SideBar banners/Mini-Galeries. Please see the features and check the live preview of this slider and convince yourself of its quality.
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WrapBootstrap - Trublu - Design Gallery Template | 2,26 MB Trublu - This template was designed with simplicity and user experience in mind, Built on the latest version of Twitter Bootstrap makes it a great for people who are looking to start their own design gallery website or just as a personal portfolio.
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WrapBootstrap - Awesome Launch | 590 KB Note: 'thank you'-message doesn't currently work in the live preview.
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WrapBootstrap - Nightly | 883 KB Nightly is a clean, classy theme for advertising your product or service. Drop in your screenshots, customise the copy, and you're good to go.
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WrapBootstrap - StackLayer - Landing Page | 309 KB StackLayer is a bold and professional landing page for Bootstrap. This theme is named after the visual style of the layout, whose content blocks resemble layers in a stack. Clean and well-organized! Careful design considerations about color, placement, and typography have formed a flow that help guide the eye toward the call-to-action. The layout helps tell a story, with an opening line accompanied by a point you want to emphasize, and followed by the reason to give you their email address. It even looks great on smartphones.
 Просмотров: 853 |  Комментариев: 0