StackLayer is a bold and professional landing page for Bootstrap. This theme is named after the visual style of the layout, whose content blocks resemble layers in a stack. Clean and well-organized! Careful design considerations about color, placement, and typography have formed a flow that help guide the eye toward the call-to-action. The layout helps tell a story, with an opening line accompanied by a point you want to emphasize, and followed by the reason to give you their email address. It even looks great on smartphones.
ActiveDen - Color Lines in the new style
ActiveDen - Color Lines in the new style | 473 KBColor Lines is one of the first games in twizzle genre, along with Tetris. Hundreds of clones and gam ...
Face Off Max Portable
Face Off Max - забавное приложение которое поможет Вам сделать фото, наложив свое или чье то лицо на чужую фотографию. Разве вы ни когда-нибудь задумы ...
35 шикарных тем для Nokia S40
Формат: nth | Количество: 35 | Разрешение: 240x320 | Размер файла: 24.39 MbСборник отличных тем для мобильных телефонов на платформе Nokia S40, как ан ...