You are owning the hottest news and interesting blogs. You would like to share with everyone. BlogPlaza is the best choice for you. BlogPlaza is a Responsive Joomla Template built on Plazart Framework with Joomla 2.5 and Joomla 3.x. BlogPlaza supports users updating hot news and posting blogs. We are proud of having developed a Responsive Joomla Template which can support for HTML and CSS3 very well. Your template will fit automatically with the screen size of the device that you use. BlogPlaza has "option" helping you change font and color easily. Join us to get new experiences right now! BlogPlaza is also an ideal place for everyone to share emotions in each blog and hot news in each article.
The White Birch (2012/Eng)
Молодая девушка просыпается на поляне в лесу, прямо перед разрушенной башней. Единственный выход и дорога к свету лежит через башню, которая возвышает ...
Garfield Kart (2013/ENG/Multi5)
Играйте за Гарфилда и его друзей в весёлых и быстрых гонках! Выбирайте сами за кого вам играть! Гарфилда, Джона, Оди, Нермала... Принимайте участие в ...