Templaza Project is pleased to announce that Aragon Template is going to be released. Aragon is a new Joomla Template based on Plazart Framework. In addition, Aragon is a Responsive Joomla Template, which supports Bootstrap well. Therefore, your template will fit automatically with the screen size of the device and display all contents in the simple way. Aragon Template is also applied the lastest version of TZ Potfolio with new functions about interface and image. Aragon is a Joomla Template which is suitable for Companies, Enterprises, and Corporations. Coming to Aragon Template, you have a chance to own some useful features; About us, Our Service, Our Project, Our Team and so on. Aragon Template is impressive user on one-page associated Parallax Script which helps your image follow the scrolling of users.
Вы сюда попали чтоб забрать TemPlaza - Aragon v1.4 - Parallax Responsive Joomla 2.5 & 3.x, ссылки на которые расположены выше!
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