CodeCanyon - Z Light Menu | jQuery Plugin - RIP | 668 KB Z Light Menu is the simple responsive navigation plugin, working with media queries, which can be easy transformed for mobile devices.
 Просмотров: 393 |  Комментариев: 0
ThemeForest - Gravida - Responsive & Modern HTML5 Template - RIP | 2,53 MB Gravida is clean and modern multi-purpose HTML5 Template for portfolio or corporate website. Designed with stunning attention to detail and created on fantastic Bootstrap 3.0 Framework. It's fully responsive and ready for high-resolution displays.
 Просмотров: 450 |  Комментариев: 0
ThemeForest - Cassius - Modern & Flat Multi-Purpose Theme - RIP | 157 KB Cassius is a modern, sexy, and flat theme that has been created specifically for startups, new apps, or companies looking for a fresh and stylish design. The template comes complete with the latest responsive sliders, effective CSS3 Animations to capture your audience’s attention, login and sign up forms, a working contact form, a pricing table, and concise call to action to generate sign ups. There are three layouts to choose from. I hope you enjoy it!
 Просмотров: 396 |  Комментариев: 0
ThemeForest - SoClean - Clean and Beautiful Errors Pages - RIP | 257 KB SoClean is collection of clean and beautiful HTTP Errors Pages, suitable for every website. Each page contains error code, error messege, messege for human, hot topic list with or page links, a search box, about info, contact and social media connect section.
 Просмотров: 397 |  Комментариев: 0
ThemeForest - Power Studio - One Page Parallax Portfolio - RIP | 4,95 MB Awesome one-page parallax portfolio. Power Studio is a fully responsive and retina ready single page portfolio. It offers great design, browser compatibility and very easy to customize.
 Просмотров: 462 |  Комментариев: 0
ThemeForest - Slim - Responsive & Minimal Coming Soon Page - RIP | 85,1 KB Slim is a clean responsive and minimal design with countdown, animated elements, animated background, MailChimp subscribe form, different social icons to choose from. Visually appealing in all modern browsers.
 Просмотров: 472 |  Комментариев: 0
ThemeForest - Adam - Responsive Under Construction Theme - RIP | 3,37 MB Adam is Responsive under construction or comingsoon template for you. Can be used for companies, individuals, and professionals. With full screen background slider and a jQuery countdown timer. This template is Valid Html so will work cross platforms and browsers.
 Просмотров: 568 |  Комментариев: 0
ThemeForest - Astra - Responsive Multi-Purpose HTML Template - RIP | 12,5 MB Astra is a professional responsive retina-ready HTML5 template, developed with great attention to details. It combines modern popular layout with flexibility available by means of the new level of standardization. Template can be used for any type of website: business, corporate, portfolio, products, marketing, etc.
 Просмотров: 448 |  Комментариев: 0
ThemeForest - Duct - Fresh Responsive Coming Soon HTML - RIP | 1,89 MB Duct is a fresh, modern, fully-featured Coming Soon HTML template. It features a "gravity well" effect, that shatters the background and forces the dials to follow the mouse. You can customize the number of shards to appear on the background, the radius at which they are activated, the shrinkage percent etc. You can customize all the colors and easily edit the componens by folowing the clear documentation You will only need to edit one HTML page, no CSS or javascript skills required.
 Просмотров: 470 |  Комментариев: 0
ThemeForest - Porty - Offcanvas Portfolio Theme - RIP | 2,91 MB With Porty you can get your Resume, Portfolio and Random Thoughts in the same place. With a sharp and pixel perfect design it allows you to create your unique Portfolio Online and share it with others. With an Offcanvas Navigation the users will stay focus on the content and will give you a professional and minimal overview about you and your Online Presence. Very simple to edit and to customise this Twitter Bootstrap Theme comes with four main pages: Resume, Portfolio, Blog & Contact Page. Porty it's a Responsive Website that fits on every device.
 Просмотров: 394 |  Комментариев: 0