With Porty you can get your Resume, Portfolio and Random Thoughts in the same place. With a sharp and pixel perfect design it allows you to create your unique Portfolio Online and share it with others. With an Offcanvas Navigation the users will stay focus on the content and will give you a professional and minimal overview about you and your Online Presence. Very simple to edit and to customise this Twitter Bootstrap Theme comes with four main pages: Resume, Portfolio, Blog & Contact Page. Porty it's a Responsive Website that fits on every device.
Дрю Карпишин - Mass Effect. Возмездие (аудиокнига)
Все развитые общества Галактики в той или иной степени обязаны своей развитостью наследию протеанцев — древней расы, исчезнувшей пятьдесят тысяч лет н ...