PHPOF - Online PHP Functions it's a PHP script designed as a help tool for developers but also a learning environment for people that want to learn PHP. The script has 114 online functions, categorized in Array, String Math, Time&date, RegEx, Cryptography and Other Functions. Every function page is split in two sections: The function tester and the Documentation section. In the Function tester area, the user fills the fields, submits the data, and in return, he will get the result of the function that he has executed. The return it's PHP formatted and syntax Highlighted. The Documentation area features functions description, declaration method, PHP versions that is available on and a link to the official documentation. The documentation can be available in multiple languages, you choose which ones you want, from the admin panel.
Соляночка №11 (май 2012)
"Соляночка"- журнал для любителей готовить - от простого к сложному. В каждом номере: - Прекрасные закуски, первые и вторые блюда, десерты, напитки. - ...
mediAvatar Video To DVD Converter / Rus
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Миp битв / Wоrld of bаttlеs (2011/RUS/ENG)
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