SJ Teen is a responsive Joomla! template with colorful and young theme. SJ Teen would be suitable to modern sites for teenage people; with news and gossip; and with integration into a lot of social network for teenager communicating together: Facebook, Twitter... One advantage of this template is its responsiveness to all device sizes, therefore it allows users to be connected from phones, tablets and PCs, which are suitable to habit of young generation. We used many in-house modules on homepage and inner pages that are freely to use. Custom K2 modules and Kunena custom template are integrated to provide ready-to-use alternative CCK and forum for building a community. Pages such as about us, contact us with map... make SJ Teen highly customized. For developers, this is another template based on YT Framework. Many options including, but not limited to, colors, menus, typography... can be tweaked quickly to suit any need. Better than that, we will release SJ Teen for Joomla! version 3.x soon after 2.5.x supported version, any choice is up to you.
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