Pindol is amazing and fully complete theme. You can choose if you want boxed or full width layout. Also you can choose patterns for content and background or set up own image. All paterns are included into theme so everything is ready to use. Even if you don't want to create your own page, we have solution for you. We provide .xml file for all our customers and just after upload it into theme, you will get exactly the same page as our demo. With Pindol theme you can build any type of page. This is great choice not only for corporate category, but for all other as well. With our amazing Theme Options panel, within few minutes you can adjust theme to your own needs. Nearly everything what you can see on our demo, can be changed from this section.
Prototype 2 (2012/RUS/ENG/Repack от TERRAN)
Продолжение бестселлера 2009 года от Radical Entertainment – Prototype® 2 – сохраняет безудержный хаос оригинального Prototype и приумножает его возмо ...
Айн, цвай, драй - хлебопечку выбирай!
Процесс хлебопечения увлекателен, прост и приятен, но только если вам повезло с помощницей - хлебопечкой. Как ее выбрать, чтобы она идеально подошла и ...
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