This church theme for WordPress has the features a church website needs - a mobile-friendly responsive design, sermon archive, photo and video gallery, church events calendar, support for multiple locations, staff profiles and church news. The sermon archive is complete with the ability for visitors to search for audio, video and text sermons by category, tag, date and speaker. Risen has powerful customization options that make it easy to change the theme's colors, fonts and background. Risen is also useful for non-church websites that need rich multimedia publishing capabilities for audio, video and photos and that want to promote events. The sermon archive can be fully renamed using the theme options, making this a WordPress theme not only for churches but also parachurch ministries, nonprofits and charities, conference websites and multimedia presentation archives. This theme is well-documented with over 30 pages of organized, easy to follow instructions explaining how to use its features. Additionally, a series of video guides is included and support is provided.
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