Classifier WordPress theme will help you develop a classified ad website in which you can add your ads, renew your ads, delete your ads, or add or modify multimedia files to your ads. Classifier theme can be adapted to community websites, business directories, personal ads, real estate listings, auto ads, miscellaneous items for sale and much more. Classifier comes with all the needed features to launch a successful paid or free, membership-based enterprise. The listings are detailed with photos, descriptions, price tag, contact information and inquiry form. Classfier WordPress theme will assist you in generating income from your website without fail. And, Classifier has a simple layout design. The landing page is very clean and the color scheme also looks great with the site and make it stand out. Everything is there for a user to know what the site is about, what it's for and why it's special, which is great.
Вы сюда попали чтоб забрать ColorlabsProject - Classifier v1.4.4 - Premium Classified Ad WordPress Themes, ссылки на которые расположены выше!
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