Diseno theme is a Fully Responsive Design, quality coded by the latest requirements for html5 and css3 and made of 3 Styled layout. This are Wide light layout, Wide Dark Layout, and Boxed Layout. This theme has an alluring and elegant features that suites to your online needs like Colorful design, eyecatching design, grayscale image, jquery animation for many website elements and many more. This theme can also be used on any online business site whether personal site, blog site, portfolio site, and etc. Diseno is a Responsive Design and is used media queries to adapt screen sizes, whether it is iphone, ipad and wide screens.
ThemeForest - Booker - Selling eBooks
ThemeForest - Booker - Selling eBooks | 304 KBShowcasing your eBook in quality and custom style is now easy as with Booker. Booker is a single landing ...
KDE Skin Pack 1.0 for Windows 7 x86/x64
KDE Skin Pack предназначен для быстрой смены внешнего вида интерфейса системы Windows 7, после чего он приобретёт оформление, выполненное в стиле прое ...
Nero Burning ROM 2019 20.0.2014
Nero Burning ROM 2019 позволяет записывать диски CD, DVD и Blu-Ray. Программа отличается надежностью и помогает копировать и записывать диски CD, DVD ...
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