Gravity Forms Coupons Add-On v1.0 Stable Released for Gravity Forms v1.7.x | 107 KB
The Gravity Forms Coupons Add-On is now available as an official v1.0 release! This Add-On allows you to quickly add flat amount or percentage based coupons to order forms created using Gravity Forms. Coupons are applied to the total of all Pricing Fields on the Gravity Form being submitted. The discount applies to the entire form. It does not currently support Product or Option Field specifics coupon usage. Much like coupons for shopping cart systems that apply to the entire shopping cart, the Coupon Add-On only supports coupons that apply to the entire form. You can configure coupons to be form specific or all forms that have a Coupon Field present. It's entirely up to you! Any coupons applied to a form will appear as line items in the entry details and the coupon(s) that was utilized will be reflected as part of the order details.
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