The Problem : If you use JomSocial for a particular website and you want to categorize your users into groups and manage their profiles separately. Suppose you have a school website and you like to group students, teachers and other staff and want to have different types of profiles for them. But you see the fields used in the teacher's profile are going to be different from the fields in the student's profiles.So what you require is something that can create unlimited profile types in your website with varied fields because the fields in one profile need not be meaningful for other user types. JoomlaXi Solution : The most prolific solution to above problem is our product JSPT which is now a very well recognized and robust extension for JomSocial. It extends JomSocialwith Multiple Profile Types functionality. Through which User can be categorized into Types called ProfileTypes. Note: JSPT Profiletype and JomSocial Multi Profiles can not work simultaneously.
Enchanted Cavern / Древняя пещера (2010/RUS)
Чрезвычайно динамичная логическая аркада о таинственных секретах древнего подземелья. Чтобы проникнуть в самые сокровенные тайны мироздания, вам нужно ...
BBYY Lingvo х3 Multilingual Plus 12
Редакция ABBYY Lingvo x3 Multilingual Plus включает более 150 общелексических и тематических словарей для перевода с английского, немецкого, французск ...