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ThemeForest - Virgo v1.6 - Premium Admin Template - FULL забрать

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ThemeForest - Virgo v1.6 - Premium Admin Template - FULL

ThemeForest - Virgo v1.6 - Premium Admin Template - FULL | 19,0 MB

Virgo is responsive and soft admin template, with clean HTML code, based on jQuery and Bootstrap. In this template you will find all what you need for your back-end app, or another project. Virgo template included with lot of jQuery plugins, that compatible with all newest browsers.
Virgo designed and developed special for themefroest. It's included with lots of examples and samples. Clean source code, help you to save your time.
Also, it's well documented. And if you purchase it, dont forget to check documentation. There you can find lot of usefull information, and "How-to..." examples.


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