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RSFirewall! v1.4.0 rev50 - for Joomla 2.5 - 3.x забрать

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RSFirewall! v1.4.0 rev50 - for Joomla 2.5 - 3.x

RSFirewall! v1.4.0 rev50 - for Joomla 2.5 - 3.x | 5,44 MB

RSFirewall! is the most advanced Joomla! security service that you can use to protect your Joomla! website from intrusions and hacker attacks. RSFirewall! is backed up by a team of experts that are trained to be always up to date with the latest known vulnerabilities and security updates, thus making RSFirewall! the best choice in keeping your Joomla! website safe.
RSFirewall! offers a complete set of tools that you can use to avoid being hacked. The extension allows you to perform a complete website scan, to see the weak points and to get instructions on how to improve the security status of your Joomla! website.


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