Demo Manager is a powerful management system for your digital product's live demo showcase. If you're working on digital product development like WordPress Theme, Joomla Template, Site Template or other PHP projects or this type of digital products, then you always need to show the demo of product to the visitor which increases the sales of the products. This system, Demo Manager helps you to manage your demo and explore your demo product in a smart way. It has social sharing integrated, through you will get social shares of your product previews. With it's traffic tracker system you can gather how many visitor and how many time they are exploring your demo showcase for individual and overall products. This will help you on marketing and further improvements. It has also maintanace mode system, you can trigger on this system when development.
Песни Нашего Двора (2014)
Категория: СборникВокалист: VAНазвание сборника: Песни Нашего Двора (2014)Стиль музыки: Поп, ШансонГод выпуска: 2014Количество трэков: 200Бит ...
Возрождение культуры ножа. (2013) Видеос-Семинар
Нoжик - это не лeгко предмет быта или оружиe, этo целая философия, глубоко уходящая корнями в славянскую культуру, в тpадиции и традиции наших Прароди ...
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