A completely new and exclusive design comes from ZooTemplate.com. ZT Bravi is a metro UI responsive joomla template truly designed for hi-tech w, which is accessible in multiple languages, and offers a great deal of flexibility to users. An eye-catching and neat design bring a bright layout for the website. The wise selection of colors and textures create a harmonious and good-looking beauty for your entire website ZT Bravi template is highly configurable, you can completely configure the homepage and posts using the very easy and powerful admin options. ZT Bravi comes with lots of built-in functionality which includes powerful admin panel (allowing you to set any color to elements such as backgrounds, links, text, menu links, etc), responsive slideshow, RTL language, Mega Menus, tons of shortcodes, K2 CCK, Virtuemart supported and much more...
Вы сюда попали чтоб забрать JoomlaVision - ZT Webshop - Templates For Joomla 2.5 & 3.1, ссылки на которые расположены выше!
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