SJ Financial is released with integration of many powerful components to offer comprehensive solution for large portals and busy Websites. Being a responsive Joomla! template with financial context, SJ Financial would be suitable for a wide range of finance related sites such as financial news, stock exchange, forex forums... With many in-house modules on homepage such as SJ Video Box or SJ Gallery Pro, any blocks can be utilized to show valuable content. Custom pages such as about us, gallery portfolio, video or sitemap... make SJ Financial highly customized. Beside default Content component, this template offers you Kunena for forum and K2 for specific need. For developers, by using improved YT Framework, many options including but not limited to: colors, menus, typography, short-codes can be configured quickly to suit any customization. And even better, SJ Financial support for both Joomla! 2.5.x version and 3.x version, any choice is up to you.
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