CodeCanyon - MapIt v2.1 - Maps Made Your Way | 444 KB
MapIt is a jQuery enabled plug-in that interacts with Google Maps API . The plug-in is designed to make navigating and finding key coordinates anywhere in the world a simple process. Completely driven by XML over AJAX , this plug-in helps you group and organize all your location links. The easy to edit XML configuration file allows you to create groupings of your coordinates and display them in a hierarchical format. Clicking on the link coordinate will automatically find the point of interest on the Google Map. No need to learn the Google API , we have abstracted all the hard work for you. With plenty of examples included you can hit the ground running very quickly and have a map that is customized for whatever situation you need. MapIt is clean, sleek, powerful and very easy for you and all your customers to use. With version 2.0 we have integrated 10 of the most requested feature items!