Gravity Forms PayPal Payments Pro Add-On v1.0 alpha1 for Gravity Forms v1.7.5x | 269 KB
The Gravity Forms PayPal Payments Pro Add-On v1.0 Beta 1 is now available. Not to be confused with the legacy PayPal Pro, this new Add-On allows you to accept payments via PayPal's newer PayPal Payments Pro payment processing service. As new payment processing startups such a Stripe and WePay move in on PayPal's turf it has forced them to re-organize their product offerings which has caused fragmentation. What was previously known as PayPal Pro is not the same thing that is currently being marketed by PayPal as PayPal Payments Pro. If you signed up for PayPal's "Pro" offering within the last year you likely have a newer PayPal Payments Pro account utilizing the Payflow API that this Add-On is designed to integrate with. This has not been an easy transition for users or developers as the two products share similar names but use different API's as many of our users have come to discover. Development on the older legacy PayPal Pro Add-On has ceased and only bug fixes will be applied on our end going forward.
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