APLUS is a multi purpose HTML5 website template with product showcase. You can use it for portfolio sites, business, corporate, product catalogue, online marketing or services websites. You can easily re-brand your template by using one of 6 custom homepage layout design options as starting point and create any background or content style you want. The APLUS HTML5 website template is a custom design, clean and modern eCommerce website template built for flexibility. This template builded with HTML5, CSS3 and Bootstrap 2.3.2! APLUS template comes with 39+ valid HTML5 template files that can be use for business, portfolio or similar websites. APLUS is a fully responsive (compatible all mobile devices like: tablet, mobile phone, laptops etc). One of major features of this template is it's amazing revolution slider plugin at your custom works and you can create limitless of slideshows with Revolution and FlexSlider!. Plus 6 different homepage styles are used in template. Build wonderful eCommerce or online business websites using this template's documentation for you even without needing to know programming or coding!
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