AddonStreet - Virtuemart Sale Countdown Timer v1.0 | 204 KB
Do you offer discounts on your Virtuemart shop? Now show an attractive timer along every product you sell on discount. The timer would actively show the remaining time of the discount available on all your products. Its not just a module anymore (with recent update), it will also help you to make the timer appear also on VM product and category pages. Sale Countdown timer will showcase your Virtuemart product as an item on-Fire sale and will display a timer showing remaining-time till the end of the sale in real-time. This timer will help you boost your sales and buyers to make a quick purchase while the sale lasts.
Suzuki TIS (18.02.12) Английская версия
Иллюстрированное руководство по ремонту от производителя данных авто.Присутствуют электросхемы,данные по диагностике,снятие и ремонт агрегатов.кузовны ...