Metrolite Comingsoon is a template inspired by metro style layout of Windows8 start up screen. You can use it to show your clients that your site will be up soon. Its a multi-purpose kind of a template builtup on Bootstrap, HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery. The template is fully responsive and viewable on variety of mobile devices. It shows a jQuery countdown timer to show how much time is left to load your site online. You can also show the progress status about your backend work with percentage value. Apart from basic countdown and progress status feature it has a modern look including dynamic tiles for showing Subscribe form, About us, Our Team, Team members image slider and Contact us mail. A full screen background slider gives it more dynamic and attractive look. HTML code template is well organized and commented to make any change easily. So without wasting your much time grab this minimalist coming soon template including all its dynamic features.
Вы сюда попали чтоб забрать ThemeForest - MetroLite - Responsive Coming Soon Template - RIP, ссылки на которые расположены выше!
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