Joomline - JL Cackle PRO 1.6 for Joomla 2.5 - 3.x | 185 KB
It is a commercial plugin made for your convenience, aggregates with com_content, JoomShopping, ADSmanager, K2, and VirtueMart into one click. JL Cackle PRO plugin is an ideal solution for your web site if you plan to provide an option for the users to make comments with a help of just a social network account . This plugin allows your users to log in with a social network account, will provide an option to make comments from various social networks with subsequent feed aggregation, and makes it possible to place a link to the article under comment in the user profile with a comment text which eventually may help bring other users to your web site.
Opera Hybrid v11.10 Build 2092 Final
Последняя версия гибридной сборки Opera на основе последней версии Opera 11. Эта сборка в отличие от других, гораздо быстрее и более стабильным, запус ...
Adobe Dimension by m0nkrus
Adobe Dimension - это набор инструментов для 2D- и 3D-дизайна, позволяющих легко создать высококачественные фотореалистичные 3D-изображения, выполнить ...
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