You are a music lover. You want to store and share all your favorite songs and videos to everyone. Meloul is a perfect choice. The idea of a music studio inspired us to design a very first music template. With Meloul, you can upload music products like audio (example: mp3, wav, ogg) and video (example: mp4, ogv, flv, m4v). Meloul intergrates well with Bootstrap, and support best with HTML5 & CSS3. You can also create album which displaying playlist powered by jPlayer. Meloul runs on Plazart Framework and compatible with Joomla 3.0. Meloul is a responsive joomla template which can adapt automatically to the screen size of all devices lets you easily use on smart phones or tablets. Come and join us today to try a perfect music template. Meloul - let the music heal your soul!
AdminPE10 v.1.8 (2017/RUS)
Загрузочный диск/флешка системного администратора AdminPE (WinPE10 - Win10) предназначена для работы с автономной Windows 10.
R-Drive Image 5.3 Build 5303
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Умный пресс-тренинг (2010/SATRip)
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