Live Chat & Visitor Tracking v4.0 Rev 8 Adaon for WHMCS 5.2.x | 15,9 MB
The WHMCS Live Chat Addon is developed in partnership with Stardevelop, bringing WHMCS users a powerful integrated live chat/visitor tracking solution that includes a Windows Desktop Client to monitor visitors and handle chats. The custom Live Help Messenger solution tailored specifically to WHMCS means that you can monitor site visits and instantly see if they are a registered client, and get direct access to their tickets, profile, and other client specific information from the chat interface. Chats are also logged under the WHMCS ticket history for a client.
IObit Driver Booster PRO Final
Устаревшие драйверы могут существенно влиять на производительность компьютера и привести к сбоям системы. Driver Booster Pro сканирует и определяет ус ...
WPI By StartSoft 4.2.12 (x86/x64)
Автоустановщик программ создан по просьбе пользователей и смонтирован, а так же записан на диск DVD, при помощи программы Ultra ISO. По сравнению с ве ...
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