Quickly and easily import videos from YouTube into WordPress to create a video blog in a matter of minutes. Videos are imported as posts and can be used in front-end as individual posts or can be placed into existing posts or pages by using shortcodes provided by the plugin. YouTube videos can be imported from YouTube playlists, user uploads or from search queries. You can retrieve any number of videos from YouTube when doing bulk import. Bulk import settings can be controlled to insert all or only some details: ie. description pulled from YouTUbe can be imported as excerpt, post text or can be skipped altogether. Also, when doing bulk imports, the posts created can have status published, draft or pending, depending on your option. Creating new videos is just as simple as importing. All you need to do is to input the video ID you want to create and the plugin will load the video details and populate fields with values retrieved from YouTube. Plugin administration is styled using WordPress styles; this means that if you already know how to create posts in WordPress you won’t have any trouble using this plugin. No fuss, no eye-candy, just plain functionality. Also, automatic upgrade is available, all you need to do is enter your purchase code and you'll get notified whenever we release a new version directly into your WordPress plugins page just like regular plugins do. Extra care was taken when creating this plugin to avoid all errors and even notices. For any feature requests/issues with this plugin, please address the dedicated forum, all requests will be answered. Plugin tested on WordPress 3.4.2 up to WordPress 3.5.1.