Say hello to Downtown, our latest theme release. Downtown comes with a fresh design and a broad range of easy to combine elements like color schemes, background textures and fonts. This makes it pretty easy to create your own custom style. Additionally Downtown brings you cool features like CSS3 animations, a broad range of module variations with optional ribbons for headlines and a new custom style for the slideshow of our Widgetkit component. Our Widgetkit gets some new features with the latest Beta 4 version. With the new Gallery widget you can easily create a image slideshow. Just select the folders where your images are stored, set a size, pick a style and you are done. The new Media Player lets you embed videos in the new HTML5 way but also adds a flash fallback for unsupported browsers. For all ZOO users we added a plugin which allows you to create Widgetkit slideshows from ZOO items.
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