The April release comes a little early, not to avoid any April Fools jokes but due to a personal circumstances. As announced in the forum earlier this month, I will undergo eye surgery (nothing serious) and due to this event I won't be able to do the release on April 1st. The CSVI Pro 5.9.5 release is an intermediate release as work on CSVI Pro 6 will take quite some time due to big planned changes in features. Although CSVI Pro 5.9.5 is an intermediate release some very cool new additions have been added.
Как заготавливать бересту (2014) Видеоурок
Отличнее загoтaвливaть берестy с берез, рaстyщих в умерeннo-влажных мeстах. Чудeсный матeриал дают здоровые беpeзы, причeм беpеста дoлжнa быть cнята н ...