iMapper – jQuery/HTML5/CSS3 Image Mapper is a simple, yet powerful plugin that lets you select an image of your choice and pin stuff on it. It offers several embedded pins which offer special functionality, as well as the ability to import your own pins with the basic functionality. It is very intuitive and easy to use, and it will take but moments to set up your image with pins and customize the content connected to each of these pins. iMapper is a perfect solution if you want to make your contact page a bit more dynamic. It will fit perfectly no matter what your profession is. It can easily be adapted to a health image mapper, product image mapper, contact image mapper etc. iMapper is an ideal solution to keep the visitors of your site stay a bit longer.
Учимся понимать музыку - Практический курс (PC/Rus)
Уникальный практический курс "Учимся понимать музыку" представляет собой удобное мультимедийное пособие, которое позволит Вам научиться понимать музык ...