OmegaTheme - OT Family Doctor - Joomla 2.5 Template for doctors, dentists and health clinics | 40,9 MB
OT Family Doctor is a premium Joomla! template aimed for doctors, it's nice and clean layout wich can be used for all kind of medical organisations. Whether it's a dentist, doctor, hospital other medical related websites and help you to build an informative website for your medical practice. These features iclude an options parameter for easy customization of many features, a slider on the homepage, shortcodes.
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Лучшее юмористическое фэнтези
Впервые на русском языке уникальная коллекция умопомрачительных историй, изобилующих изощренным юмором и богатой фантазией известных авторов, таких ка ...
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