Let's get down to business with our new May theme release, Venture. Its rich yet clean and functional style is perfectly suited for your corporate website. Check out the cool navigations and buttons and try to resist the temptation to touch them. You can combine a variety of different styles, backgrounds and colors to create your very unique website experience. And that's not all! Venture comes with an optional separator background image for your module positions, smooth CSS animations and a beautiful bonus style for the Widgetkit Slideshow tabs. All in all Venture offers you 4 styles and 4 background textures, 8 colors, 12 fonts and 6 module styles which can be combined with 4 badges and 6 icons. It is based on our Warp6 theme framework, which utilizes latest web technologies like HTML5, CSS3 and of course a responsive layout and can be used with Joomla or WordPress.
Мясников Виктор. Сборник (25 книг)
Мясников Виктор Алексеевич — прозаик, критик, книговед. Автор книг криминальной прозы: Людоеды. Повесть., 1996; Игра по-крупному. Повесть., 1996; Изум ...
Павлищева Наталья - Собрание сочинений (46 книг)
Наталья Павловна Павлищева – российская писательница , родилась в Туркмении 11 марта 1955 года, где проходил службу отец. Автор романов на истроически ...
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