This is a template that can be used by designers, artists and any other creatives. It can of course be used as a company page as well with the right content. It is based on the single page portfolio concept and includes about, portfolio, gallery, services and contact sections. All pages are javascript animated,jquerry style. When you click on a portfolio or gallery image, the larger one pops up using lightbox. You could of course change this to open links for ex. It includes 3 skins: a multicolor skin, a black/dark grey skin and a black/white skin. With these skins we're hoping to cover most peoples general wishes, however you can then play with the colors yourself and come up with your own theme colors. Also included is a working php contact form with autoresponder that uses ajax for validation (will not go offpage when the message is sent, just display a success message if all goes well). Tableless CSS coding, cross-browser compatible and very stylish. Impress your customers today ! The template includes all page .psd files with slices and should be easy to customise with medium knowledge of Photoshop and CSS .
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Win8PE (x86) by Xemom1 Update At1ant (RUS/ENG)
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