BORONG is a Responsive, HTML5/CSS3 theme that features a clean and slick design that is suitable for a wide variety of websites. It includes a Theme Builder tool that helps you customize the theme anyway you like. It utilizes Skeleton CSS Framework and is 100% tablet/phone friendly. BORONG also includes LayerSlider, FlexSlider, jCarousel, and more. The theme includes plenty of reusable elements: Sliders, Tabs, Accordions, Testimonials, Lists, Buttons, Tooltips, HighLights, several presets of Text Titles, tables and some awesome looking icons you can use for your featured text sections. BORONG is also Cross Browser compatible and has very clean code.
Чингиз Абдуллаев - Алтарь победы (аудиокнига)
Американские спецслужбы дали ему кличку Альпинист, российские – Ветеран. Раньше он служил в КГБ, потом – в органах безопасности Азербайджана. Теперь ж ...
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