BlueMist is a great wordpress theme for those looking for a smooth and elegant design for their blog. This template takes advantage of custom fields to allow for integrated thumbnail images, as well as various plugins to help take your site to the next level. This theme comes advertisement ready, featuring an unobtrusive integration of google adsense. Refer to the list below for the full range of features.
version 4.5 ( updated 03-20-2013 )
- Integrated the default WordPress image system. It makes the theme work better on shared hostings and provides compatibility with plugins ( JetPack, WP Retina etc. ). Please, regenerate thumbnails after theme update ( ). - Full compatiblity with WPML plugin - Added 'Custom CSS' option to ePanel - Fixed 'Shortcode Slideshow Only Displays 11 Images' issue - Added alt attribute to the imagetab shortcode - Fixed update notification notice in WP-Admin - Fixed image issues with clean WordPress Multisite 3.5 installation - Added et_videolink_embed custom field ( it provides the way to use video embed code for posts in the Portfolio page template ) - Improved ePanel functionality - Improvement: Contact form error notifications are translatable via localization files now - Code improvements
Nearly all files have been updated this time. Please, make sure you update all files.
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