This add-on extends the functionality of the free NextGEN Gallery Voting plugin with a couple of great new features. Please make sure you have NextGEN Gallery Voting installed and running before purchasing this add-on.
This add-on adds a new voting option of a plain 'Like'. This 'Like' voting type works in the same way as the 'Like/Dislike' available with NGGV Free, but without the 'Dislike' option. This allows you to offer Facebook style 'liking' of galleries and images. You can also change the image used to perform the 'like' with a simple file upload. This add-on also adds the ability to edit the messages your users see during the voting process. For example, you can change the term 'Like', to 'Vote'. You can now update all your exiting gallery and image options with a single click. You can also delete all the gallery or image votes with another click. The add-on also adds the option to export your voting results to CSV easily. The add-on also adds a widget to display your top voted images. Based closely on NextGEN Gallery’s own widget, you can choose how many images to show, if you want to use the cropped thumbnails or original dimension images, what galleries to pull the images from, and if you want the actual voting results to show with the images in the widget
Вы сюда попали чтоб забрать CodeCanyon - NextGEN v1.4.1 - Gallery Voting Premium, ссылки на которые расположены выше!
Просмотров: 484 | Комментариев: 0
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