SmartIt Premium Responsive WordPress Theme is the smartest choice for any type of business, especialy IT directed. It's unique design, multifunctionality, responsiveness to almost every portative device, and in the same time easiness of work, will keep you the most satisfied customer ever. The most options of this theme are fully editable and you can change them to meet your expectations. Extended Theme Options Panel helps you in it. It means that you have vary usefull assistent in styling this theme. Starting from font family, its sizes, background, heading types this panel makes these all possible and easy. In case you would like to change the color scheme the whole color spectrum is yours to command, it concerns text color, current and hover one, background variation color, buttons and links color. Extended Theme Options Panel is undescribably extrafunctional in all meanings. It's your main tool in styling your web-site.
Вы сюда попали чтоб забрать ThemeForest - SmartIT v1.1.2 - Premium Responsive WordPress Theme, ссылки на которые расположены выше!
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