If you are a Joomla lover, you must see that is the best Content management system in the world (com_content). But the reality is that this system has not satisfied all of our needs. That why we build TZ Portfolio, which is an ideal content management system to fulfill all weaknesses of com_content. TZ Portfolio works on database of com_content, sothat you do not have to worry about importing or exporting data from your system (which already works with com_content). TZ Portfolio inherits all current functions of com_content, in addition, we develop two new data interfaces: Portfolio and Timeline view. TZ Portfolio is strongly supported by Group Extra field system, you can create multi-portfolio system in your website. In addition, it supply 3 functions , these are video display, gallery or representative photo displayed for each article. We also upgrade tag and authority information management function, along with photo smart resize and crop. With TZ Portfolio you can own a smart blog, a flexible portfolio, and more than a complete content management system. Try it now to feel the perfection!
Windows 7 SP1 Stealth lite 4.0 x86
Лёгкая и удобная операционная система Windows 7 SP1 Stealth lite - предназначена для установки на любое железо и быстрой стабильной работы. Основана н ...
VSO ConvertXtoDVD Final 2011
ConvertXtoDVD - утилита, предназначенная для конвертирования видео в формат, совместимый с DVD Video, и последующей записи содержимого на DVD. Софт по ...