ThemeForest - Choices v1.2.0 - Responsive Business and Portfolio | 27 MB
Nov 1st Update: we have updated the framework folder across all of our WordPress Themes for security and new functionality! Read more about the Changes at the bottom of the Page. Updating is highly recommended! :) Choices is a responsive WordPress Theme (try resizing your browser), suited for business websites and users who want to showcase their work on a neat portfolio site. The Theme is built on top of the fabulous Avia Framework and offers support for the WPML MULTI LANGUAGE plugin, just in case you need it ; It comes with a plethora of options so you can modify layout, styling, colors and fonts directly from within the backend. Build your own skin or use one of 14 predefined skins right out from your WordPress Admin Panel. Font, background and color options as well as the dynamic template builder will help you create the Website you need in no time. In addition to the global options you can set unqiue styling options for each entry as seen in the theme demo SEO (Search engine optimization) The theme is built with SEO best practices in mind. It uses semantical valid HTML code and CSS so search engines can index the content of your site with ease. Important content is always placed before unimportent in your source code (eg: Blog Post content before Sidebar), Headlines are wrapped in heading tags (h1, h2, h3 etc) to signalise their importance to search engines. The site also uses heavy internal site linking, which is also of vital for search engines (related posts, primary and secondary navigation menus, footer navigation, etc) With this Wordpress Template you are well equipped to get a high google ranking and attract visitors to show them your fantastic work
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