It stands out of the crowd with a clean and slick design that is suitable for a wide variety of products. It is very easy to install and customize. It ships with 5 PSD files containing all design elements found in the template, that features a clean and easy to understand HTML/CSS. FancyCart utilizes jQuery Library, CloudZoom, NivoSlider, jQuery Carousel, Google Web fonts and more to contribute to an enjoyable and functionally exhaustive user experience. Among other features FancyCart is also Responsive – the viewport adjusts automatically for all mobile devices, it is SEO friendly and Cross Browser compatible. FancyCart supports OpenCart 1.52, 1.53, 1.54 and now the latest version!
Вы сюда попали чтоб забрать ThemeForest - FancyCart v1.26 Premium OpenCart Theme, ссылки на которые расположены выше!
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