This jQuery plugin is a full page slider for navigating between web pages. For example, you could have your home page on one slide, contact page on another, and so on. It is responsive and works in all major browsers, including Internet Explorer 6 ( :o ) and mobile browsers. As the name suggests, you can put anything inside a slide (other jQuery content, videos, and what-not), and each slide will scroll to view overflow just like any normal page. There is nothing I know of that will break the slider, and you can add an infinite amount of slides. This is exactly what you need to spice up your website! Although this is designed for full window content, you can just as easily use this as a traditional jQuery content slider. In fact, the pageAnimate is probably better than other sliders since it works beautifully in Internet Explorer 6!
Alt Launch Band 2.33.18 ML/Rus + Portable
Интерфейсная панель для запуска приложений, навигации по папкам и пр... Позволит освободить ваш рабочий стол от значков: Организует лёгкий доступ к вы ...
Wallpapers City HD На рабочий стол. Часть 1
Формат:: JPEG | Количество:: 58 | Размер архива:: 104MBширокоформатные HD Обои "Города -архитектура всего мира" для рабочего стола 1920x1440
KMSpico Stable
KMSpico - полностью автоматический активатор Windows и Office основанный на KMSEmulator'е. Активирует Windows 8.1.
Информация Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.