The newest update is v1.3.1, a minor update that contains plugin version boosts, several bug fixes, better examples and wizard plugin rewrite. Changelog can be found at the bottom of the page. MoonCake is a responsive, full featured admin template build exclusively for sale at ThemeForest. This template is build on Bootstrap framework using HTML5 and CSS3. Its main focus is simplicity while providing the most commonly used elements and widgets on web apps across devices and browsers. Since v1.1, this template has two build in design styles integrated; Simple and Creative. The simple style targets users that desire simplicity, friendly and plain interfaces where only functionality is the main concern, while the creative style targets users that desire a sophisticated, graphical user interface with skeuomorphic elements. If you got any questions or feedback, feel free to contact me via email or the comments section and I will get back at you as fast as possible. Support is available mainly on Mon-Fri, but you can always expect my replies everyday 24/7
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