IceTheme - IT Newsy 4 for Joomla 2.5 & 3.0 | 66,9 MB
Got plenty of content and hot stuff that you want to share with everyone? Here is the perfect solution for you, IT Newsy 4, built in with one of the greatest Joomla Extensions ever, EasyBlog. Well, the name says it all. It’s the fourth release of a newsy theme and this time it will come to you as a J2.5 & 3.0 ready with fully responsive layout. It has been some time since the release of our last very successful theme, Newsy 3. This release is something even simpler but much more versatile. IT Newsy 4 has an interesting feature - you can change the color of each menu item by default, providing thus, a way to show your categories more clearly. With the slideshow module, vertical news categories, the video module and the elegant carousel footer, you’ll have what it takes to finish your magazine, blog, portfolio, sports or business theme in no time. But this is not all. In order to make your blogging experience even more organized and easy to share, we have decided to use one of the best Joomla Components for blog, Easy Blog.
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