This website template was written in Flash CS4 and uses AS3. The Generation X2 Template was written so that the user can easily edit the website via the xml. You do not need a copy of Flash Professional to use this template. Everything seen in the preview is included in the package. You can also choose which categories in the menu you want to include or not include in the xml. If you choose not to include a category, a message will be displayed to the user stating the category is not active. If you want to edit the graphics, you can easily edit the movieclips in the .fla
ccm Windows 7 SG SP1 RTM 2011.09 (x86/x64)
Загрузочные DVD Windows 7 SG SP1 2011.09 x86 и x64. Содержит все критические и важные обновления и исправления на момент выхода, кроме того добавлена ...
Ранго / Rango (2011/DVDScr/1400Mb)
Ранго — хамелеон, который живет в террариуме и считает себя героем, которому, к сожалению, никак не удается проявить свое бесстрашие. Но когда он внез ...