Start is a new responsive admin template based on latest Windows 8 interface. This one, called Metro UI, has its roots in the design principles of classic Swiss graphic design – minimal, bold, high contrast and flat colors are some of its great features. Start is the starting point for your next web application. It`s suitable for any user interface or administration panel, for any devices – from desktop to mobile devices. Start using now and be what`s next for the future of web applications! Start admin template will save you a lot of time in your development process. Build on famous Twitter Bootstrap framework and updated for using Sass (CSS preprocessor). Version 1.3.1 – 03.12.2012 - Added color_light class for boxes - Fixed a bug when switching from Menu Default State to Icons - Fixed sidebar background on IE8/9
Вы сюда попали чтоб забрать ThemeForest - Start v1.3.1 - Metro UI Responsive Admin Template, ссылки на которые расположены выше!
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