RocketTheme - RT Leviathan v1.1 - January 2013 template for Joomla 2.5 - 3.0 | 86,9 MB
Leviathan, the January 2013 template release, is a visually enriched design with stunning graphics, contrasts and tones. Its sidebar adds focus and boldness, that complements and contrasts with the mainbody area to great effect. The core of the template is based on the Gantry Framework, which provides a plethora of standardized features and functions. Also included is support for extensions such as RokSprocket.
Windows 7 x86 UralSOFT 3 in 1 v.6.6.12
Сборка сделана на основе оригинального образа ru windows 7 ultimate with sp1 x86 dvd u 677463. В качестве загрузчика интегрирован загрузчик WinDoZa Li ...
Autodesk 3ds Max 2018 Update 2
Autodesk 3ds Max – популярный программный пакет, предназначенный для редактирования 3-мерной графики и ее визуализации. 3ds Max великолепно подходит д ...