"Galilea" HTML website template was created especially for small private guesthouses, pensions and zimmers. Thousands of such small businesses function through out the world and seldom they have good websites. Template gives a full overview of the small family enterprise including page templates of rooms types, outdoor and indoor facilities/activities, pricing tables, detailed location page and more. However, the template can be converted into any other (I think rather small, family run) business by just replacing photos, headings and texts. Template is fully imageless (apart photos themselves, naturally). Social icons, arrows, icons, navigation links circles, buttons, lines etc are pure css. It means that there is no need even bother to open Photoshop. All is editable via css file. Template has 10 sliding blocks with content. Extra blocks can be added easily by adding a new section to the page.
Вы сюда попали чтоб забрать ThemeForest - Galilea - Scollable Imageless HTML5 Template, ссылки на которые расположены выше!
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