The ability to create custom Facebook Fan Page Tabs directly in your Timeline. We make it easy to create a sales funnel through which you can send your clients. A brand new drag and drop interface that let’s you quickly and simply create a Fortune 500 level Facebook Fan Page. It’s as easy to use as blogging – no coding or graphic skills are required. Premium templates that let you get your Fan Page up and running instantly. These templates can also easily be customized, making your page even more unique. Powerful new viral tools that let you run sweepstakes, capture user email addresses, and auto-post on walls. Rich elements like a stunning image slider and embedded videos, giving your page a razor-sharp edge over the competition. Over 20 easy to use short codes that make adding features like “Facebook Share Buttons” and “Call to Action Buttons” instantly implementable. Full customization. WP4FB 2.0 was designed to allow users to come up with their own applications. The result: The total freedom to use WP4FB 2.0 the way you think is best. Can be used in conjunction with other WordPress plugins on the market, giving you ultimate power to mix and match as you see fit. Management of unlimited fan pages from one easy location. Simply create multiple apps inside our interface, and add them to each page. 100% Compatibility with Facebook and WordPress.
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