Get your hands on Flux, the newest YOOtheme template creation. Flux is based on the new Warp5 Joomla template framework and is designed with a chromish style which looks perfect for example for gaming sites. Flux shines with its flashy menu bar, for which we once again used our amazing fancy menu: The menu items look like they are buttons pushed into the menubar. Also the YOOsearch and the breadcrumbs fit in perfect with the template design. Of course, Flux comes with our awesome new Warp5 menu that you might already know from our last template Phoenix. It also allows you to publish modules in the dropdown menu and, like all our templates, it comes with loads of module variations.
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Юмористическая серия - 518 книг (1999-2014)
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ThemeForest - Rubio - Flat HTML5 Template - RIP
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